Home Data analyses EVEN SCIENTIST PROVED IT: Pfizer’s Vaccines Have Nano-Trackers!

EVEN SCIENTIST PROVED IT: Pfizer’s Vaccines Have Nano-Trackers!

EVEN SCIENTIST PROVED IT: Pfizer’s Vaccines Have Nano-Trackers!

 Ava Garcia

New Zealand scientists have broken through a really crucial revelation.

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According to their reports, “an undeclared nanotechnology in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that assemble into microchip circuit boards – which can be used to track people – when exposed to heat over time.”

Ricardo Delgado of La Quita Columna previously mentioned that there’s graphene oxide in Pfizer’s shots, which is necessary to convert the frequencies to form self-assembling microchips. These microchips can perform different functions, such as controlling and tracking humans.

“What happens next is that vaccinated humans are emitting Bluetooth codes. There is a phenomenon going on called the “Bluetooth challenge” videos. Normally, Bluetooth devices have names on them, but what’s happening now is that when someone goes into a crowded room full of vaccinated people, there are anonymous Bluetooth addresses that show up. They’re anonymous addresses from vaccinated individuals who are emitting a signal,” the report suggests.

Another really important question popped out – what could these immortal organisms do inside a mortal one?!