Click here to access our full Peertube instance. We propose a selection of videos below.
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Hindi
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Hindi
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Japanese
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Japanese
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Arabic
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Arabic فيلم وثائقي يعكس حقيقة ما فعله و يفعله بنا الإغلاق الذي كان من المفترض ان يفيدنا. هل هو في الواقع يسبب لنا اكثر ضرر من فائدة؟ دعونا نلقي نظرة على هذهي الحالة من خلال عيون كل من العلماء, المحترفين و الناس العاديين الذين يريدون ان يعيشوا حياة طبيعية.
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Portuguese Brazilian
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Portuguese Brazilian Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave...
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Turkish
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Turkish Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave...
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Italian
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Italian
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Polish
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Polish Planeta Lockdown to film dokumentalny o sytuacji, w jakiej znalazł się świat. Twórcy filmu rozmawiali z niektórymi z najzdolniejszych i najodważniejszych umysłów na świecie, w tym z epidemiologami, naukowcami, lekarzami, prawnikami, aktywistami, m...
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Portuguese
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Portuguese Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave...
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | French
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | French Planet Lockdown est un documentaire sur la situation dans laquelle se trouve le monde. Les réalisateurs se sont entretenus avec certains des esprits les plus brillants et les plus courageux de ce monde, notamment des épidémiologistes, des scientif...
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Spanish
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | Spanish El Planeta del Confinamiento es un documental sobre la situación en la que el mundo se encuentra. Conversamos con algunas de las mentes más brillantes y valientes en el mundo incluyendo epidemiólogos, científicos, doctores, abogados, manifestantes...
Claus Köhnlien | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Claus Köhnlien | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Vera Sharav
Vera Sharav
Louis Fouche - Thoughts on Life
Louis Fouche - Thoughts on Life
Dr Jose Luis Sevillano Subtitled English
Dr Jose Luis Sevillano Subtitled English
Vivian Fischer - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown
Vivian Fischer - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown
Michael Yeadon - Fertility & the Jab - Planet Lockdown
Michael Yeadon - Fertility & the Jab - Planet Lockdown
Archbishop Vigano Full Interview
Archbishop Vigano Full Interview
Alessandro Fusillo - Full Interview
Alessandro Fusillo - Full Interview
Dr Maria Huber
Dr Maria Huber
Gatti Nano-Pathology & Nano-Toxicology
Gatti Nano-Pathology & Nano-Toxicology
Lilian Day 3 Brief
Lilian Day 3 Brief
Stefano Montanari
Stefano Montanari
Wolfgang Wodarg - Narrative Interview - Planet Lockdown
Wolfgang Wodarg - Narrative Interview - Planet Lockdown In this important interview conducted with Wolfgang Wodarg, a doctor, a former public health official and member of the German parliament. He is the single most informed person on pandemic scares of the WHO. He worked his whole life on epidemic, e...
Allerberger Narrative Interview | Planet Lockdown
Allerberger Narrative Interview | Planet Lockdown Dr. Franz Allerberger is the chief epidemiologist of Austria, the equivalent of Tony Fauci in the US. He sat down with us and answered all our questions. He is quiet diplomatic but at the same time does honestly answer the questions, listen carefu...
Astrid Stuckelberger | Interview outside WHO | Planet Lockdown
Astrid Stuckelberger | Interview outside WHO | Planet Lockdown In this interview in front of the WHO headquarters, whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger details irregularities, conflict of interest and corruption within the WHO. She has a long resume (10 pages) in global public health, worked for WHO teaching th...
Asymptomatic Transmission - Brief Explanation
Asymptomatic Transmission - Brief Explanation Here is a brief explanation of the claim that asymptomatic spread is a concern. It is not. It is unscientific and unfounded and has been one of the foundational lies to drive widespread fear. This clip addresses this claim and helps to put it into...
Carrie Madej - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown
Carrie Madej - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown This sit down interview with Carrie Madej reviews the topics of the vaccine, freedom and where we are headed.
This interview was done as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public unde...
Dr. Louis Fouche Transhumanism
Dr. Louis Fouche Transhumanism In this interview the Marsaille doctor, Louis Fouche, discusses the issue of transhumanism and his perspective on it. At it's core it is a denial of humanity and acceptance of the unreal. He believes it is a world of hollow ideas our society has a...
Dr Nathalie Calame
Dr Nathalie Calame Doctor Nathalie Calame is a naturopathic doctor in French Switzerland who has experience this last 18 months treating patients with Covid. This interview explores her experience with that and her views on how the situation is being handled. It is ...
H.S.H Prince Michael of Liechtenstein - Full Interview - Part 1 - Planet Lockdown
H.S.H Prince Michael of Liechtenstein - Full Interview - Part 1 - Planet Lockdown
This sit down interview with H.S.H Prince Michael of Liechtenstein discusses the current situation we all find ourselves in and his views on the state of the world and the relationship we have with the state. His full name and title is as follow...
Daniel Model - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown
Daniel Model - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown This interview with Daniel Model at his Modelhof asks the deeper questions. What is our purpose here in life? What are the ominous trends around us that we should be aware of? How can we look inside and be ourselves?
This interview was conducte...
Daniel Model - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown
This interview with Daniel Model at his Modelhof asks the deeper questions. What is our purpose here in life? What are the ominous trends around us that we should be aware of? How can we look inside and be ourselves?
This interview was conducte...
Money & Markets 2014-07-17
Money & Markets 2014-07-17 Visit Solari at
UFO's for the 21st Century Mind with Richard Dolan 2014-02-20
UFO's for the 21st Century Mind with Richard Dolan 2014-02-20 Visit Solari at
Food for the Soul - Interview with a Milanese - Journalist Paola Jaccobi
Food for the Soul - Interview with a Milanese - Journalist Paola Jaccobi As part of Solari's ongoing celebration of the year of da Vinci, we visited Milan and met with one of the city natives. Paola Jacobbi is a very respected Italian culture and entertainment journalist who has lived in Milan for most of her life.
Just A Taste: Protecting Against EMF Radiation with Jason Bawden Smith
Just A Taste: Protecting Against EMF Radiation with Jason Bawden Smith ''Your complaint is your call to action.'' ~Jason Bawden-Smith
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This Solari Report is of critical importance to your health and well being - and those you love. Please take the time to tune into this discussion.
Deep State Tactics 101 - Part IX-X
Deep State Tactics 101 - Part IX-X By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week I will publish the remaining audios for Deep State Tactics 101. I will cover the last four of the sixteen topic areas: Cybersecurity; Covert Operations & Crime; Targeting of Children; and The Beatdowns: Com...
Bitcoin: The Op with Harry Blazer
Bitcoin: The Op with Harry Blazer This week Harry Blazer joins me for a Special Solari Report to discuss the dark side of the cryptocurrency revolution. Whether you choose to speculate in cryptocurrencies or not, make sure you understand their deeper nature as bubbles.
Your Mortgage: Servicing Risks & Fraud with Marie McDonnell
Your Mortgage: Servicing Risks & Fraud with Marie McDonnell Marie McDonnell joined me on the Solari Report last year to help you learn how to successfully originate a mortgage without falling into the financial fraud traps and schemes that have become common in the United States: Your Mortgage: Financing Y...
Hero of the Week 2014-07-03
Hero of the Week 2014-07-03 Visit Solari at
Catherine Austin Fitts Interview - Global Financial Coup D’état - Technocratic Slavery That Follows
Catherine Austin Fitts Interview - Global Financial Coup D’état - Technocratic Slavery That Follows
Catherine Austin Fitts Interview - Global Financial Coup D’état - Technocratic Slavery That Follows
MedicalRacism with Introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
MedicalRacism with Introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
A Call to Europe The Future of Our Children is at Stake - CHD Europe - Press Conference Brussels January 23
A Call to Europe The Future of Our Children is at Stake - CHD Europe - Press Conference Brussels January 23
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks to a packed demonstration in Milan, 13th November 2021 - coverage includes aerial footage
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks to a packed demonstration in Milan, 13th November 2021 - coverage includes aerial footage “We can all see what's happening. They are taking away our rights, and they will NEVER give them back unless we make them”
Robert F Kennedy Jr. speaks to a packed demonstration in Milan, 13th November 2021.
This full version of our coverage incl...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: " We must Resist this Coup d'Etat "
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: " We must Resist this Coup d'Etat " Robert F Kennedy, Jr. explains why we all need to come forward now and resist in Civil Disobedience. Now that the FDA has issued a very "squirrely" approval of the Covid-Vaccine from Pfizer, which leaves many questions open, because the science sh...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: " We must Resist this Coup d'Etat "
Robert F Kennedy, Jr. explains why we all need to come forward now and resist in Civil Disobedience. Now that the FDA has issued a very "squirrely" approval of the Covid-Vaccine from Pfizer, which leaves many questions open, because the science sh...
It Runs on Water (1995)
It Runs on Water (1995) This extraordinary documentary raised a storm of interest when it was first broadcast in America. It tells the story of a small group of inventors who are seeking in various ways to unlock the vast amounts of energy locked up in water. Ordinary ev...
Lie #1_PCR Fraud.mp4
Lie #1_PCR Fraud.mp4
D4CE Doctors and scientists explain how the COVID-19 response is out of step with medicine and science .mp4
D4CE Doctors and scientists explain how the COVID-19 response is out of step with medicine and science .mp4 In this video, Doctors for Covid Ethics signatories peel back the spin to explain COVID-19 medicine and science in honest terms.
Immunologists, microbiologists, experts in biochemistry and pharmacology, medical specialists and family doctors - d...
The COVID vaccines were designed to fail
The COVID vaccines were designed to fail In this 10-minute video, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the fundamental reason for the current wave of “breakthrough infections:” the failure of the COVID vaccines had to be expected, because fundamental principles of immunology were ignored in the...
Dr. Bhakdi Explains Basic Immunology
Dr. Bhakdi Explains Basic Immunology Dr. Bhakdi explains basic immunology for everyone, telling us how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruse...
An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD explains recent findings that fundamentally change the Covid narrative. We already have antibody memory immunity to COVID-19, rendering 99% of us immune. This not only makes vaccination unnecessary, but re-vaccination pote...
An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD explains recent findings that fundamentally change the Covid narrative. We already have antibody memory immunity to COVID-19, rendering 99% of us immune. This not only makes vaccination unnecessary, but re-vaccination pote...
Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: "We have to put our forces together to do a shift in this inhumane agenda that we have worldwide"
Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: "We have to put our forces together to do a shift in this inhumane agenda that we have worldwide"
Message de l’archevêque Carlo Maria Viganò à l'occasion du referendum du 28 novembre en Suisse
Message de l’archevêque Carlo Maria Viganò à l'occasion du referendum du 28 novembre en Suisse Message de l’archevêque Carlo Maria Viganò à l'occasion du referendum du 28 novembre en Suisse.
Reiner Fuellmich | Brussels Press Conference | January 2022
Reiner Fuellmich | Brussels Press Conference | January 2022 0:00:00.4 Reiner Fuellmich: It is always darkest before dawn. Dawn is when the lights come on. This means, of course, that things will get better, that we will get rid of the mask mandates, social distancing and most importantly, and very, very da...
Pathologie der Impfung - Professor Arne Burkhardt
Pathologie der Impfung - Professor Arne Burkhardt Professor Dr. Arne Burkhard erläutert die pathologischen Befunde von Obduktionen nach Covid-Impfungen. Er diagnostiziert "Lymphozyten-Amok" in allen Geweben. Herzmuskelentzündungen (Myokarditis) waren auffällig, weil sie viraler Myokarditis ähnelt...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Speech — Milan — November 13 "No government in the history of mankind..."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Speech — Milan — November 13 "No government in the history of mankind..." TRANSCRIPT of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Speech at the Rally, Milan, Italy, November 13
« No government, in the history of mankind, has ever relinquished power voluntarily.
The power they have taken awa...
L'euro numérique et le pass sanitaire, outils de contrôle absolu - Interview d'Éric Verhaeghe au micro de Rachel Marsden
L'euro numérique et le pass sanitaire, outils de contrôle absolu - Interview d'Éric Verhaeghe au micro de Rachel Marsden L’usage du pass sanitaire se généralise dans le monde. Éric Verhaeghe, énarque et auteur du livre «Le Great Reset: mythes et réalités» (Éd. Culture & Racines), explique au micro de Rachel Marsden que c’est la première étape d’un projet de contrôle...
Catherine Austin Fitts "Useful Steps for Navigating The Financial Reset" — Antropia Conference
Catherine Austin Fitts "Useful Steps for Navigating The Financial Reset" — Antropia Conference What can we expect as the “Financial Reset” arrives
by Catherine Austin Fitts
This victory must be a symbol for all citizens of the world - Swiss Referendum, Nov 28
This victory must be a symbol for all citizens of the world - Swiss Referendum, Nov 28 🇨🇭 In Switzerland, the popular vote of November 28, 2021 has already started. Many citizens are already voting by mail, while others will go to the polls on November 28th. Three objects are on the agenda: an initiative to strengthen nursing, an ...
Holocaust survivors deliver a letter to the European Medicines Agency
Holocaust survivors deliver a letter to the European Medicines Agency Holocaust survivors deliver a letter to the EMA demanding an end to the COVID-19 vaccination program, citing Nuremberg Violations.
Dr. Christian Perronne au Parlement du Luxembourg - 12 Janvier 2022
Dr. Christian Perronne au Parlement du Luxembourg - 12 Janvier 2022 [00:00:00] Monsieur, vous avez la parole.
Dr. Christian Perronne: [00:00:03] Merci beaucoup, donc, Madame la Présidente, Madame la Ministre, Mesdames et messieurs les Députés, je suis très honoré de venir aujourd'hui. Tout d'abord, je voudrais ju...
Special Solari Report - Join Us on the Barricades with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Special Solari Report - Join Us on the Barricades with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Listen to the Forbidden Speeches - Meeting Restaurant Brussels 23.01.2022
Listen to the Forbidden Speeches - Meeting Restaurant Brussels 23.01.2022 Meeting Restaurant Brussels 23.01.2022. This meeting was improvised following the police violence and the fact speakers were unable to gather on stage to address the crowd as planned.
Speakers include: Francesca Donato, Mary Holland, Vera Shara...
"Never again" doesn't mean very much if... | Vera Sharav | Brussels Press Conference | January 2022
"Never again" doesn't mean very much if... | Vera Sharav | Brussels Press Conference | January 2022 0:00:00.0 S1: Those who recognize that history is very relevant to what is going on today, and that in many ways it's a parallel and replay. Others who have tried to bring that subject out into the open are vilified and quickly called Neo-Nazis. W...
A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake | CHD Europe | Brussels Press Conference January 2022
A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake | CHD Europe | Brussels Press Conference January 2022 Call for a European moratorium on health restrictions: the future of our children is at stake.
In the framework of the citizens' rally in Brussels organised on 23 January by Europeans United International, Children's Health Defense Europe organ...
A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake | CHD Europe | Brussels Press Conference January 2022
Call for a European moratorium on health restrictions: the future of our children is at stake.
In the framework of the citizens' rally in Brussels organised on 23 January by Europeans United International, Children's Health Defense Europe organ...
Blue Zones Secrets of a Long Life
Blue Zones Secrets of a Long Life Presented by the Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series. Featuring Tony Buettner, national spokesperson and senior vice president of business development at Blue Zones, an organization that puts the learnings of the world's longest-lived people to work...
Root Cause
Root Cause Documentary featuring opinions from doctors and dentists from around the world on the health effects of the root canal procedure.
Please donate to the project. Your contribution makes a real difference.
Root Cause
Documentary featuring opinions from doctors and dentists from around the world on the health effects of the root canal procedure.
Please donate to the project. Your contribution makes a real difference.
Quest for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE)
Quest for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE) Beneath the Pacific Ocean off a small Japanese island, is an underwater mystery that could rewrite our human history. Graham Hancock goes on a quest to trace the remains of a lost civilisation
Graham Hancock goes on a global quest, from Cambodi...
Zeitgeist The Movie Remastered
Zeitgeist The Movie Remastered Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007) is a three part treatment on Mythology and Belief in society today presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues. This posting is first 2 hour episode and is a cult classic. Just watch this one, the other t...
In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great (1997) TAPE 1
In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great (1997) TAPE 1 In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great is a BBC documentary television series, first shown in 1998. Written and presented by historian and broadcaster Michael Wood, it retraced the travels of Alexander the Great, from Macedonia to the borders of ...
In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great (1997) TAPE 2
In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great (1997) TAPE 2 In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great is a BBC documentary television series, first shown in 1998. Written and presented by historian and broadcaster Michael Wood, it retraced the travels of Alexander the Great, from Macedonia to the borders of ...
The Mysterious Origins of Man (1996) Entire Documentary.mp4
The Mysterious Origins of Man (1996) Entire Documentary.mp4
The Mysterious Origins of Man (1996) Entire Documentary.mp4