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\ud83d\udea8<\/b><\/i>BREAKING: Ukraine Capital Kyiv And Lviv Region Under Russian Air Attacks. Dozen Of Missiles Hit The Different Parts Of Kviv And Lviv Just A While Ago.<\/b>Russia launches airstrikes on Kyiv and the Lviv regions, prompting a military reaction from Poland...<\/i><\/b>Ukraine launch unprecedented extensive bombing attacks on Russian controlled Sevastopol.In the last hour there are reports Russia have deployed 13 Tupolev Tu-95 which are currently airborne planes capable of launching nuclear warheads.<\/b>WWIII is trending.Russian Missiles Cross Poland Border During Ukraine AttackHours ago: <\/b>Russian news reports that \ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa<\/b><\/i>-occupied Sevastopol, Crimea is being attacked by Ukraine \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udde6<\/b><\/i>.<\/a>Local news says it is the largest attack on Crimea since the war began & Ukraine \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udde6<\/b><\/i> forces are using<\/b> Storm Shadow<\/a>( Long-Range Cruise Missiles ) \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7<\/b><\/i>.\ud83d\udd17<\/b><\/i>Source:<\/b> SkyNews<\/a>, Baba Bananas<\/a>, Concerned Citizen<\/a>, Kiran Joshi<\/a><\/b>Substack<\/i><\/a> | <\/i>Twitter<\/i><\/a> | <\/i>Minds<\/i><\/a>\ud83d\udce1<\/b><\/i> Follow:<\/b>@G3News<\/b><\/a><\/div><\/div>\n\n