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📰 New Article!

In my latest piece I elaborate upon some of the major concerns with the new amendment included in Congress's reauthorization of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — which presents itself as one of the most dystopian expanses of illegal mass surveillance since the Patriot Act
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American children's channel Nickelodeon promotes Drag Queen's song "Meaning of Pride" on their social media channels.
Forwarded from Taylor Hudak Media
The BBC is creating a show about the life of Brigitte Macron.
Forwarded from SicilianGorillian
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EXCLUSIVE: Katherine Maher says that, as CEO of Wikipedia, she "took a very active approach to disinformation," coordinated censorship "through conversations with government," and suppressed content related to the pandemic and the 2020 election.

NPR's new censor-in-chief.

🔗 Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo)
#European_Suicide-"Violation of the international legal order": despite stern warnings from the ECB, von der Leyen announces that the 27 will proceed with the theft of Russian assets

"I think the decision has been taken by the member states. The 27 have agreed that we should use the windfall [from the frozen Russian assets]," she said after a European summit.

The first payments, which we estimate at around 2.5-3 billion euros a year for the first year, could be accessed and invested to support Ukraine's military needs.

The previous day, however, ECB President Christine Lagarde had formally opposed this move: "I have seen four different proposals to get around what many lawyers consider to be a very serious legal obstacle...

...which can be interpreted as a violation of the international legal order."

"The transition from freezing assets to confiscating them, and then transferring them, needs to be examined very carefully."

A diplomatic way of saying that whatever varnish the Westerners apply, the rest of the world is not fooled and can see that this is a case of outright theft.

And that as a result, the euro, a monkey's currency that relies solely on the trust placed in it, will bear the full brunt of the consequences.

➡️➡️ "Against common sense": theft of Russian assets accelerates de-dollarization, says Moscow
Forwarded from LLP
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🔘 Nouvel Article | 15 Apr 2024
“Il y a ces ministres “messianiques et racistes” qui demandent à Netanyahou de déclencher une escalade pour accélérer la venue du Messie.” dixit Ehud Barak
Décidément il se passe des choses curieuses sur cette planète avec ces déclarations folles de l’ex homme d’État Ehud Barak (ami et associé d’Epstein) sur LCI hier à 20h15 affirmant que des ministres racistes messianistes veulent que Netanyahou déclenche une guerre totale afin d’accélérer la venue de leur Messie et ainsi la fin du monde ! C’est exactement ce dont on parle depuis plus de 18 ans maintenant, il s’agit de la doctrine sabbataïste qui consiste à faire le plus de mal possible sur terre afin de hâter l’arrivée du Messie qui va régner pour 1000 ans ! Ce type de propos était considéré à [...] Lire la suite sur
"There are those "messianic and racist" ministers who ask Netanyahu to trigger an escalation to speed up the coming of the Messiah," says Ehud Barak." (former Prime Minister of Israel)
Israel is aggressing against Iran to precipitate the destruction of the world according to their sicko prophecies.

The question is, when will the rest of the world grow some balls and stop them? 🍒
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Here is "Tommy Robinson", Mossad provocateur against Muslim migrants brought into the UK by the same people that fund Tommy.

Create a problem and run the opposition to it.

Thanks for being a fraud Tommy ❤️
Who benefits from threatening the Iranian embassy in Paris?

Israel of course. They are in conflict with Iran now.... Dahh

Let's see who the useful idiot patsy of this charade is. My guess is a Muslim migrant.
Forwarded from Press TV
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▶️ Man threatening to blow up the Iranian consulate in the French capital Paris, was arrested.

#France #Iran
